On 12/24/2024

Parliament Speaker Dr. Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani attended the launch of the first founding conference of the State of Law Youth Movement. Sponsored by Mr. Nouri al-Maliki, head of the State of Law Coalition. Under the supervision of the movement’s secretary general, Dr. Waqtar Malik Al-Azimi. The conference coincided with the anniversary of the birth of the Lady of the World’s Women. Mrs. Fatima Zahraa (peace be upon her). In the presence of a group of politicians from different blocs and parties. In addition to a wide audience of young men and women from different governorates.
In his speech during the conference. Parliament Speaker Dr. Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani stressed the importance of investing the energies of young people in Iraq through a clear behavioral methodology aimed at developing their abilities and skills. He emphasized the need to stand up to the political and economic challenges that Iraq is going through. He indicated that the youth are the main pillar for achieving victory and facing these difficulties.
Mr. Nouri al-Maliki, leader of the State of Law Coalition, also delivered a speech during the conference. In it, he emphasized the importance of the role of Iraqi youth and women who are committed to national principles and social values. He emphasized the need to follow the example of Lady Fatima Zahra (PBUH) as a role model. Al-Maliki explained that following the path of Zahraa is the way to build a strong and stable society. away from heresies and ideological deviations. While strengthening the role of Iraqi women in politics, thought and social reform.
For its part. Dr. Waqtar Malik Al-Azimi said. Secretary General of the State of Law Youth Movement. He emphasized the importance of launching this movement at this sensitive time to realize the aspirations of Iraqi youth and contribute to building a unified and stable Iraq.